Protection Dog vs Burglar Alarm: Which Is Better?

You've heard the saying that dogs are a man's best friend. Do you ever appreciate your "human" friends more than when they stand up for you in the face of a struggle? The same goes for your furry friends too.

Protection Dog vs Burglar Alarm
If you want to protect your home and your family, you have two primary options. You could invest in either a protection dog or an alarm system.

Which one is the right choice for your family? Let's take a look at the protection dog's benefits and how they compare to alarm systems.

A Protection Dog's Benefits Over an Alarm System

As common as alarm systems are for home protection, they leave a lot to be desired. There are several areas in which protection dogs provide more safety for your family.

1. Advance Warning

Each alarm system is unique, but most of them don't alert you until a criminal has broken into your home. By then, the threat is already active and damage has already been done.

Family Protection Dogs, on the other hand, have sophisticated training. They know how to detect a threat while the person is still approaching your home.

Your dog is more likely to start sounding the alarm and barking in deterrence before the crime actually occurs. This lets you take action to avoid even the initial damage a burglar would cause while breaking into the home.

2. Taking Action

An alarm system is just that: an alarm. It works great for telling you when a crime is happening. It doesn't take any direct action to stop that crime, though.

A protection dog offers the best of both worlds. It's barking will alert you when there is a threat. If a criminal does get into the home, though, your protection dog also has the training to attack when necessary.

In this way, a trained protection dog does more than alerting you to a problem. It can directly solve the problem too.

3. Protection Everywhere

Home alarm systems are meant for your home and your home alone. As we all know, though, there are plenty of dangers while you're out of the home too.

Unlike an alarm system, a protection dog gives you protection anywhere you go. If you're walking down the street and someone tries to rob you or hurt you, the dog will spring into action because of its training.

4. Constant Alert

When you have an alarm system in your home, you have to arm and disarm the system when necessary. Unfortunately, it's easy to forget to arm your alarm system when you need it.

A protection dog, on the other hand, is never "off." A properly trained protection dog can detect a threat at any time, and they rely on their training 24/7. Your home and your family are never vulnerable when your protection dog is around.

crime deterrent

5. Crime Deterrent

An alarm system alone can alert you when a crime occurs, but it doesn't deter criminals from breaking in in the first place. You would need to make it very clear that you have the alarm system, and even then, many criminals won't be concerned enough to stay away.

A protection dog is an entirely different story. When a criminal hears a dog barking threateningly, it deters them in two ways. They fear the barking may alert the neighbors and attract police, and more importantly, they fear the dog will attack them and hurt them.

That added fear of injury and pain is a powerful deterrent. In fact, burglars themselves say protection dogs are deterrents while alarm systems rarely are.

6. Confidentiality

In today's technological world, we're all concerned about our confidentiality. While security cameras inside the home can be helpful to catch criminals, they come with another problem. Hackers could get access and have an inside look into your home.

Protection dogs don't carry that problem. Your personal information and videos of you aren't out in cyberspace waiting for a hacker to poach them.

7. Protection in Unique Situations

Certain strategies have become popular among criminals because they work, even if you have an alarm system.

For example, one strategy criminals use is to come up behind you while you're entering your home and force their way in. You've either disabled your alarm system already or they can force you to because now they're inside with you, threatening you with a weapon.

Some alarm systems also don't function when your electricity or your wifi is out. Criminals know this and may take advantage of the opportunity to strike.

Protection dogs, however, aren't vulnerable to those situations. They're always around and ready to come to your rescue.

8. Reliability

Every one of us has dealt with strange technical issues with our gadgets and different types of technology. These glitches happen without warning, and an alarm system is not immune. Are you willing to gamble that your alarms will work when you need them to work?

Protection dogs, on the other hand, are glitch-free. You can count on your trusty companion to be by your side without a second thought.

9. Side Perks

Protection dogs have a beloved quality that alarm systems will never have: they're dogs. You don't just get protection. You get a new member of the family.

In fact, owning a dog offers health benefits like lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Add that to the peace of mind of having constant protection as well as the stress relief of a furry friend. What more could a person want?

The Final Verdict: Protection Dog vs. Alarm System

Every family who wants protection finds themselves weighing a protection dog and an alarm system at some point. When all is said and done, a protection dog's benefits outweigh those of an alarm system. There are simply advantages of a protection dog that an alarm system will never match.

Whether you want to purchase a trained protection dog or you want training for the dog you already love, we're here to help. Learn about our Protection Dog Training Programs today. 

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Evan Dunbar is the President of Full Contact K9 and ProK9 Equipment. At an early age he was inspired by his uncle who introduced him to work-oriented dogs. Since that time, Evan has had the opportunity to study from and train with the “who’s who” of the working dog world.

His areas of expertise include advanced obedience, personal protection, service K9, and pet instruction. He is also an active participant in Schutzhund and French Ring dog sports. A modern and dynamic trainer, Evan’s unique style is technical and combines elements of both positive methods with classical approaches.

Full Contact Canine LLC is the culmination of a lifelong respect for animals, his passion for dogs, and Evan’s personal beliefs which emphasize ingenuity, integrity, and continuous learning in the world of professional dog training. He earned his B.B.A from Mercer University.

Evan has assembled a team of some of the most respected trainers in the industry to offer Full Contact K9 clients unparalleled experience, skill and service.

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